A Warning From Wastefulness & Extravagance By Imam Abdul-Aziz Ibn Abdillah Ibn Baz
Item Code : Darussalam.PSE40
Author : Imaam Abdul-Azeez Ibn Abdillah Ibn Baaz Publisher : Non, Darussalam Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 15X22 Pages : 45 |
A Warning From Wastefulness & Extravagance
Said Imaam 'Abdul-'Azeez Ibn 'Abillah Ibn Baaz : ''Allah, the sublime and exalted, has sent down in His Grand Book many aayaat where wasting and extravagance is mentioned along with the prohibition of both, and the praise of those who adopt the middle course, and are moderate and Upright in their actions, eating, drinking and the rest of their spending. Therefore, there shouldn't be any wastefulness, extravagance, miserliness, niggardliness, extremism, or negligence.''
Thusly Allah has ordained for the middle course to be adopted in all affairs oand from this is the prohibition of extremism. |