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Bundle of 13 Islamic Books (Worth £39.45)

Item Code : DPO11

Publisher : Darussalam
Book Format : PB
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Bundle of 13 Islamic Books (Worth £39.45)

1. Islamic Belief in the light of Quran and Sunnah  

In this book:

Some important questions regarding Islamic teachings, which have been answered, referring the evidence texts from the Holy Quraan and Saheeh and advocated Ahaadith so that the reader might be satisfied with the correctness of the answers.

All basic teachings of Islamic faith have been illustrated which presents a pure and excellent picture of Islamic religion.

Also many polytheistic and atheistic superstitions have been refuted, which are poison for a Muslim community

 Index Of Book
Chapter 1: Pillars of Islam. Chapter 2: Fundamentals of Faith. Chapter 3: Mankind's duty to Allah.
Chapter 4: Types and benefits of Tawheed. Chapter 5: Conditions regarding our deeds to be accepted in the sight of Allah.
Chapter 6: Major Shirk and its manifestations. Chapter 7: Forms of Major Shirk (great Shirk).
Chapter 8: Shirk Asghar - Minor Shirk. Chapter 9: Intercession. Chapter 10: Jihaad, Walaa and Hukm.
Chapter 11: Living in the light of Quran and Sunnah. Chapter 12: Sunnah and Innovation.
Chapter 13: Responded supplication

2. Describing the Fundamentals of Belief By:  Sheikh Muhammad Bin Saaleh Al-Uthaimeen

 Is a description of pure Muslim belief the belief of the Prophets, the belief of the last prophet, the belief of the Sahaaba and the belief of the righteous Muslims?
This booklet by well-known Scholar of the world Sheikh Muhammad bin Saaleh Al-Uthaymeen is a golden guide about belief.
All issues regarding belief have been explained in the light of the Quraan and Sunnah.

Describing the Fundamentals of Belief

The religion of islam. The pillars of islam. The declaration of The foundations of the Islamic faith. Belief in Allah
Belief in Allah contains four matters. Regarding the evidence of Nature-Fitrah. The proof of reasoning.
Proof of Allah's Existence. The Physical proof of Allah's existence is contained two facts.
Belief in Allah's Lordship-Raboobiyyah. To believe in the Uloohiyyah of Allah. To believe in Allah's Names and Attributes.
Two groups went astray concerning this issue. The first group AL;Muatazilah. The second group 'The Mushabbiha'.
The belief in the angels. The belief in angels includes four issues. To belief in angels brings tremendous benefits.
Belief in the Kutub-Books. To belief in the Books comprises includes four Issues. Belief in the Rusul-the-Messengers.
To belief in the Messengers includes four Issues. The belief in the Messengers brings tremendous.The belief in the Last Day.
The belief in the last day contains Three issues. The belief in the hereafter includes the belief in what happens after death.
The Affliction of the Grave. The punishment and the enjoyment of the grave. The belief in the Last Day yield tremendous.
The evidence from the Divine Law. The evidence   from Sense. The logical evidence has two aspects. The proof of sense.
The belief in Qadar-Predestination. To believe in Qadar includes four issues. The belief in Qadar has tremendous
Regarding Qadar, Two sects gone astray. The objectives of the Islamic Faith

3. The Magnificence Of the Qur'an  

The significance of the Quraan's student and its teacher. The virtue of reciting the Quraan. Quraan's intercession for its reciter. Repeating the Quraan to maintain it. Evaluating the situation of the Muslims by acting upon the Quraan.
The significance of the reader of Quraan. The grace of reciter the Quraan by heart who enforces it in practically life.
Descending the peacefulness for the Quraani recitation.
Asking some one to recite the Quraan for the sake of Allah and not to use it for worldly benefits and to eat with it.
Beautifying one's voice when he reads the Quraan. The significance of Surah Al-Fatihah. The virtue of Surah Al-Baqarah.
The grace of Ayah tul-kursi. Excellency of the two last verses of surah Al-Baqrah.
The virtue of surah Al-Fatihah and the end of Surah Al-Baqarah. The grace of Surah Al-kahf.
The magnificence of Surah Al-Fath. The excellence of Surah Tabarak. The excellence of Surah Al-Kafiroon.
The excellence of Al-Ikhlaas. The significanceof Quraan's two last Surah (Mu, awwidha tayn).
Loving someone reciting the Quraan. Reward of reading the Quraan

4. Innovation And Its Bad Effects: By Sheikh Saalih Al-Fauzan

Section One
Explanation, Regulations and Types of Bid'ah. The Principle of Innovations.
The Principle of the religion regarding the types of innovations. An Admonish

Section Two
The motives of the appearance of innovations in people. Rising the innovations among the muslims.
When did innovations appear at the first?. The places where the innovations rose.
The Motives regarding appearance of the innovations. Ignoring the religion. Obeying the lusts.
Following the people's opinions. Copying the non-believers

Section Three
Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jamaa,ah and the innovators. The activity of Ahl-e-Sunnah Wal Jamaa,ah.
Ahl-e-Sunnah and the Innovators

Section Four
Kinds of the innovations in these days. The celebration of the prophet's birthday.
Considering scared particular places and graves. Innovations relating to the worship.
Concise. How to cope with innovations?

5. Celebration of Giyaarvien

This book has been written exclusively for the purpose of explaining the on going celebration of giyaarvien. This celebration has been taking place almost all over the world, in particular in the sub-Indian continent. The people, who celebrate this event, strongly believe and practice it as if it was a genuine part of Islam.
However, with reference to the Quraan, various Ahaadith and the Fatwaas of many great scholars this practice appears to be merely an innovation.
Prophet Muhammad Mustafa (s.a.w) was, as we know it, is the seal of the Prophets and Islam was completed in his lifetime.
Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelaani was born many hundred years after the time of the Prophet s.a.w. However,if the Giyaarvien celebration were a real part of Islamic culture, then naturally, it would also been celebrated during the lifetime of the prophet. Actually, there is no evidence to support this practice.
In his books, Sheikh Abdul Qadir Jeelani, has not even mentioned a single word about this celebration.
You will find in this book, step by step, of how this innovation came about. Equally, you will find, why we must not believe in this hearsay.

6. Rulings of Witr Prayer

Rulings Of Witr Prayer By Dr. Muhammad Shabbir Usmani Discusses the status of the Witr prayer, its prescribed offering time, ways of offering it, number of Rak'ahs, supplications made during and after the Witr prayer and many other relevant issues. Chapter Index Include... Virtues of Witr prayer Witr prayer is always a stressed Sunnah but not obligatory Time for Witr prayer To encourage for offering Witr before going to sleep The command of offering Wite before morning (the daybreak) Offering Witr after Adhan The numbers of Rak'ahs for Witr prayer Offering only one Rak'ah for Witr and its nature Offering Witr with three Rak'ahs and their nature To observe five rak'ahs of Witr and their nature 

Index Of Book Rulings Of Witr Prayer

Chapter 1: Virtues of Witr Prayer. Chapter 2: Witr Prayer is always a stressed Sunnah but not obligatory.
Chapter 3: Time for Witr Prayer. Chapter 4: to encourage for offering Witr before going to sleep.
Chapter 5: The command of offering Witr before morning (the daybreak). Chapter 6: Offering With after Adhaan.
Chapter 7: The numbers of Rak'ahs for Witr prayer. Chapter 8: Offering only one Rak'ah for Witr prayer and its nature.
Chapter 9: Offering Witr with three Rak'ahs of Witr and their nature.
Chapter 10: To observe five Rak'ahs of Witr and their nature.
Chapter 11: Offering seven Rak'ahs of Witr. Chapter 12: How to pray Nine Witr. Chapter 13: About what to recite in Witr.
Chapter 14: How to recite in Witr. Chapter 15: Making Witr Supplication before Ruku and after Ruku.
Chapter 16: Raising Hands for Qunuut (Supplication) of Witr.
Chapter 17: The saying of Ameen by the followers of an Imam in all prayers and in Witr Qunoot.
Chapter 18: Supplication in Witr Prayer. Chapter 19: The supplications after Witr. Chapter 20: Prostration after Witr.
Chapter 21: Offering two Rak'ah after Witr prayer.
Chapter 22: The permission of offering extra prayer between Witr and the supererogatory two Rak'ahs of Fajr
Chapter 23: The legal status of making Witr as your last prayer during night.
Chapter 24: The prohibition of the Prophet (S.A.W) from praying Witr twice during one night.
Chapter 25: Who went to sleep without praying Witr or forgot it. Chapter 26: Praying the Witr on a mount
Chapter 27: Offering Witr during journey.

7. A Summary Description of the Prophet's Prayer by Imam Albani

Facing towards Qiblah. Mistakenly, offering the prayer facing other than Qiblah. Standing for the prayer-Qiyaam.
Praying on a ship or plane. Combining the both positions, sitting and standing, while praying. Praying with shoes.
Praying on the Minber-pulpit. Praying near to Sutrah (to place something in front while praying).
The height of the Sutrah. Offering prayer while facing the tombs or grave is prohibited Prohibition of passing in front of a praying person, even in the Mosque of Makkah.
Preventing someone from passing in front of himself while praying, even in the Holy Mosque of Makkah.
Stepping forward to prevent a passing person in front of a praying person. Things that cut off the prayer.
Saying the intention in words. Takbeer Tahreemah proclaiming Allah-u-Akbar. Lifting the hands and the authentic way.
Placing the hands and the correct way. Where to put the hands. The opening supplication. Recitation

8. The Essay of Ahmad Bin Hanbal On Prayer. By Imam Ahmad Bin Hanbal

Imam Ahmad has put every serious emphasis on the importance of prayer.
he mentioned Qur'aanic verses, Ahaadith, Statement of Sahaabah and sayings of Taabieen,in abundant,to authentichis opinion.
He also seriously took notice of those,who are headless in their prayers.
It has been discussed in detail how we should prostate, bow and stand up praying behind an Imam or Individual.

9. Hajj, Umrah And Ziyarah. By Sheikh Abdul Aziz bin Baz

Chapter 1
Hajj and Umrah as prompt Obligations and its. To perform Hajj as soon as it becomes obligatory.
Hajj and Umrah are obligatory once in life. Seeking forgiveness for one's sins and errors.
The expenses of Hajj must be Hallal-lawful. Aim of Hajj

Chapter 2
What a pilgrim should do reaching Miqaat. With regards to the menstruating and Likewise women.
It is impermissible to shave the beard. Pilgrim women is allowed to wear Ihraam in any dress.
It is heresy to express intention except Ihraam's. The Miqaat (fixed place of wearing Ihraam). There are five Miqaat.
It is prohibited for a Pilgrim to pass the Miqaat. Performing many Umrah's after Hajj, is not encouraged.
Reaching the Miqaat without Hajj season. A pilgrim having sacrificial animal with him. Conditional Ihraam. Children's Hajj.
Permissible and imperemissible things in the state

Chapter 3
What should a pilgrim do on reaching Makkah. Entering the Holy Mosque and circumambulating.
Veiling and covering the beauty is compulsory for. There is no specific invocation for Tawaf and Sa'ee. Sa'ee and its rites  

10. Charity Even With A Part Of A Date

is light in the dak of Bukhl-miserlines. The author referred a lot of Quraanic verses, Ahaadith and statements of the righteous faithful. This booklet explains that ;

Charity removes the calamities and trial. Charity is another name of prosperity. It heals the illness. It purifies the wealth.
Charity extinguishes sin, as water extinguishes fire. Charity will help crossing over the Siraat-Bridge over hell.

11. The Merits Of Islamic Religion By Sheikh Abdur Rahman Ibn Nasir Bin Sa'adee

Islam chosen religion by Allah is a complete code of life. Islam is a solution of the problems of the world.
 It fills the needs of the soul and the intellect.

It leads to;
spiritual life. Intellectual life. Personal life. Family life. Social life. Economical life. Political life. International life

"You will find in this booklet that Islam is a blessing for the world"

The Merits Of Islamic Religion
Forewords. Introduction

1st Merit The foundation of belief. 2nd Merit The pillars of islam. 3rd Merit The Importance of Unity.
4th Merit The Religion of Compassion. 5th Merit The Religion of Wisdom. 6th Merit Jihaad and Enjoying Good.
7th Merit Business Law. 8th Merit Encouraging the use of Good Things. 9th Merit Protecting the Rights.
10th Merit Wills and Inheritance. 11th Merit Maintaining Justice. 12th Merit Protecting against Neglectful Spending.
13th Merit Making sure Justice in Business transactions. 14th Merit Charitable Loans. 15th Merit Preserving Property.
16th Merit Consultation. 17th Merit Prosperity Property. 18th Merit Ideals and Unity.
19th Merit The Religion that is Compatible with Rationale. 20th Merit Islam's Miraculous Spread!.
 21st Merit A Comprehensive Religion

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