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The Prophets (A.S) and Sunnah>>Lying Against the Prophet

Islamic Books: Ruling on one who tells lies about the Prophet  

Lying Against the Prophet. By Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun

Item Code : Sunnah.TPE30

Author : Ziyad Al-Bandar As-Sadun
Publisher : Non, Darussalam
Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X21
Pages : 24
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Price: £1.50
Lying Against the Prophet

This work will enlighten the reader about the impact of attributing lies to the Prophet (SAW). This issue leads its perpetrator to serious consequences. The author explains the reasons which prompts and results in many people falling into this trap. The main motive behind this summarized work is to correct what is heard from people, some claiming to be students of knowledge, quoting and giving references from fabricated traditions of the Prophet (SAW). Others establish their religious duties and seek closeness to Allah by basing their activities on fabricated traditions without any authorized links proving their attribution to the Prophet (SAW). He also sheds some light on the Islamic ruling upon people who lie against the Prophet (SAW).

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