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Fiqh, Fatawa, &, Islamic Law Books>>The Forbidden - Issues of Great Importance That We Underestimate

Islam - The Forbidden Issues Of Great Importance We Underestimate  

The Forbidden - Issues of Great Importance That We Underestimate. By Muhmmad Saaleh Al Munajjid

Item Code : Darussalam.FE1

Author : Muhmmad Saaleh Al Munajjid
Publisher : Non, Darussalam
Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X21
Pages : 110
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Price: £4.50
The Forbidden - Issues of Great Importance That We Underestimate

From the Author's introduction

Al Muharramaat (the forbidden) are the limits of Allaah, (the Mighty and Magnificent):

'These are the limits of Allaah, so do not approach them.'

Allaah has threatened whoever transgresses His limits and violates His Sacraments stating (Glorified be He):

'And whoever disobeys Allaah and His messenger and transgresses His limits - He will put him into the Fire to abide eternally therein, and he will have a humiliating punishment.'

It is obligatory to avoid al-muharramaat in view of the saying of the Prophet:

'And whatever I forbade you, then avoid it and whatever I enjoined you, then fulfill as much of it as you are able.'

I ask Allaah guidance, success and observance of His limits for myself and for my Muslim brothers, I ask Him (Glorified be He) to help us avoid al-muharramaat and protect us from sins and evil deeds, Allaah is the best protector and He is the Most Merciful. 

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