The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah. By Shaykh. M ibn Rabee' ibn Haadee Al- Madkhalee
Item Code : Darussalam.GE27
Author : Shaykh. M ibn Rabee' ibn Haadee Al- Madkhalee Publisher : Al-Hidaayah Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X21 Pages : 252 |
The Methodology of the Prophets in Calling to Allah - That is the Way of Wisdom & Intelligence
Calling to Allah is a very great honour which is not reached through ease, response and love of relaxation. It is not reached except through beneficial knowledge, righteous actions, deep understanding and careful following of the way of the Prophets in calling to Allaah.
In this book Shaykh Rabee' ibn Haadee al-Madkhalee explains in detail the methodology of the Prophets in their call to Allaah. In it, he answers those questions which face every caller to the faith who wishes to follow the footsteps of the Prophets: What should his call begin with? What should he concentrate on? And what is the goal of his da'wah to Allaah?
After discussing the methodology of the the Prophets in calling to Allaah, he compares it with the different methodologies employed by various contemporary da'wah groups and movements that have arisen in our time and highlights the stark contrast between these new, innovated methodologies and the pure and perfect Prophetic way.
This book is an important guide for all those active in the field of da'wah, giving them an insight into the methodology of da'wah which the Propehts employed and how it is a divine and precise methodology which leaves no room for personal opinions, experimentation of individual inclinations! |