Thirty Lessons for those who Fast. By Aaid Abdullah Al Qarni
Item Code : Hajj.ZE21
Author : Aaid Abdullah Al Qarni Publisher : Non, Darussalam Book Format : Soft Cover. Size 14X21 Pages : 146 |
Thirty Lessons for those who Fast
Thirty Lessons for those who fast contains the most pertinent Quranic Verses, authentic hadiths, delightful poetry and touching advice. It is, therefore a book for the righteous when they meet for plesant conversations. It is also a gist for wayfarers when they break their journeys for rest, a treasure for those who share mutual love and respect, when they assemble for picnics. It is in addition an asset for counsellors in their lectures. Indeed the teacher will benefit from it, the orator will turn to it and the imam of the mosque will find it rewarding to read. |