In the Sahih it is narrated that the prophet (s.a.w) said. whoever ate seven dates in the morning from the area of Aaliyay will not be hormed by poison or magic the rest of that day. He also said: The people of a house where there are no dates are hungry. Also, the prophet (s.a.w) ate dried dates with butter, with bread and alone. Dried dates is hot in the second degree and either wet or dry in the second degree. Dried dates strengthen the liver, relax the bowels, increase semen production, especially whentaken with pine, and relieve soar throat. As for those who are not used to eating dried dates, such as the residents of cold areas, dried dates cause them cloge, harm the teeth and cause headaches, unless they are eaten with almonds and poppy. Dried dates are among the most nutritious fruits, their essence is hot ans wet. Also, when one eats dates in the beginning of the day, they help kill worms, Although dried dates are hot, yet they have the strength of an antidote against worms, Killing or at least decreasing their numbers, especially when dried dates are taken frequently on an empty stomach. Dried dates are a fruit, a type of food, a cure, a drink and a sweet. |